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Showing posts from August, 2012

fail flirt #5

cowok  : semalem saya hunting foto bulan. nih, lihat! cewek 1: waaaah...baguuuuusssss... cewek 2: keren banget, nih. Jago, yah, kamu motretnya. cewek 3: nyesel enggan ikutan semalem, bulannya cakep banget. saya      : lo download gambar orang terus dipindah ke memory card terus mengaku itu hasil jepretan lo, kan? cowok  : berisik lo!


To have a good quality undies is really good to support women's body part. To wear a good undies quality with a very nice cutting really boost women, eh my, confidence. I feel strong, healthy, and in a good shape underneath. Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4


Sudah beberapa waktu mendapatkan informasi soal akan diberhentikannya fasilitas media sosial yang selama ini diberikan Multiply. Namun, pemberitahuan resmi dari staff mereka yang baru saya baca beberapa waktu lalu, seakan-akan terkesan saya tidak mendapat pemberitahuan sebelumnya.  Rasanya ingin menangis. Tanpa alasan. Meskipun saya punya akun di dua fasilitas bloging yang berbeda, namun sedih rasanya kalau barisan kata yang telah dibuat (walau kebanyakan curhatan yang tidak terlalu penting bagi orang) harus dihapus. Mungkin saya masih bisa bernapas lega karena sebagian dari coretan yang pernah saya publikasikan di Multiply saya gandakan di laman daring ini. Saya buka kembali beberapa arsip tulisan dari beberapa masa lalu, serasa terhisap ke dalam putaran arus yang membawa saya ke masa lalu. Sensasinya tidak jauh berbeda dengan membuka album foto lama kita. Pernah seorang bijak bilang (saya lupa redaksional persisnya), "dengan membangun The Great Wall, orang Cina dulu ...

selamat ulang tahun bapak

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4


During Ied festive public officers start holiday from 19 to 23 of August. In the other hand private employees will enjoy their holiday from 17 to 27 of August. So, my question is: do you guys really need news during holiday? pleeeeeaaaaase give us a break! We only have limited days of, 17 to 20 of August. Why are you so greedy with news? can you just relax and enjoy your vacation? Am asking you people!!!!! Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4


It would be a lie if I say that I dont have good time while chatting with u. It was always fun everytime we talked about everything. Sorry if am over curious asking about your personal life. I do respect your limits. But sometime I cant accept it, none ever did that to me. So then I started to think "am I that bad so people not talk to me?" The other issue I have are: "who the hell this person am talking to?"  "is he a good person?" "why is he so strict? is he a dangerous person?" "what am I let my self into?" Even when I am writing this the question "who is this guy? who is this guy? who is this guy?" keep coming.  You want me to think that you are real, but why you act yourself as a stranger to me? Am I deserved to be treated that way? are you really gonna talk about it when we meet even if I dont ask? I am trying to believe you, but I cant afford the feeling when the time comes and you say nothing.  ...

Journalist's Cryptonite*

What is the relationship between journalists and superheroes? What do Superman and Spiderman have in common? That’s right, they are both journalists. I never understood why these superheroes were journalists, of all professions. Since I studied journalism at college in Indonesia, I found out the reason. My friends and I were indoctrinated with the thought that journalists carry out a noble profession. Why? We are delivering news, or as some say, the truth. We watch the government, you can’t do anything wrong or we are going to expose it. Why do we that? Because we work for people rights, the minority, those who suffered and et cetera. Isn’t it cool to be a journalist? We carry the truth on our shoulders. We, journalists, are almighty. But are we really? I you ask me, I’ll say no. I started my profession as a journalist circa 2011. Young. Barely knew anything. But, believe me, I don’t feel like I have superpowers at all. Why? We surrounded with kryptonite. Our “gr...