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all about our mother #7

At this moment (and I believe will go on and on) I am such a proud daughter of my mom. 

So it started like this. I had a never ending arguement with a physco. That physco ever mentioned to a friend of mine wanted to throw any kind of drink wether it is hot or not to my face. I am not a silent person for this kind of stuf, told every close friend I have, my guy, and also my mom. By far, both my guy and mom gave the best response. But, my mom's is the best.

"I will slap him on his face he ever touch your hair. It ain't easy to raise and look after a kid and I won't let any harm happen to her!"

She was cooking at that time with a knife on her right hand. I wiped a bit and also gigled. She might have a petite posture but I believe the beast within her is really strong to beat anyone. That beast is an expression of love, care, and affection.

I don't want to thank that physco, but well I need to take a positif point from everything. Because of his will, my mom showed her affections to me.

Tho I believe she will never ever hit anyone. I am still a proud girl with her mom.


  1. right to be, love your mom and take example from her for when u'll have your kids!


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