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el encuentro de Amigos Cervantes (segundo parte)

yeay! the second encuentro (gathering) been held. it was more "crazy" than the first time. in this encuentro all the clases should perform something, and of course my clase took part also. we performed singing (presented by Flo and Juwita) and salsa (lead by Putri). we were good tho, and so were the other class. by the end of encuentro all the people learned how to move their body along salsa music.the count for this dance was "one, two, three, (pose) five, six, seven". do not call my friend and me as Inicial 3 if we didnt mess the encuentro, we danced bachata instead (Putri thought us before months ago). I would say thank to Rossa for showing us the delicious spanish food. ahh,,,i love my encuentro.
las cantantes de Inicial 3, Juwita y Florence
(Inicial 3's singers).
que buenasima chicas!
Putri La Princesa de Salsa
otras cantantes de Avanzado dos.
(other singers from Avanzado 2)
dame un beso por favor :D
nosotros :)
lo que mas mujer loca de Inicial 1 :))
(the craziest woman from inicial 1)
gracias a Rosa para las comidas ricas.
(thanks to Rosa for all the delicious food)
me gusta la tortilla de espana mejor


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